How to Save with Main Street Rx...

Step 1:
Compare Prices
Compare Prices

Step 2:
Get Voucher
Get Voucher

Step 3:
Show to Pharmacist
Show to Pharmacist
Did you know drug prices vary significantly between pharmacies?
What Our
Customers Are Saying...
Customers Are Saying...
“I started using the program for my family and soon found I was paying a lot less for our prescriptions.”
Benefits of the Program
Save up to 90%%
Off Prescriptions
Mobile App for
iOS & Android
Rewards Program
Manage Your Prescriptions
Save up to 90%%
Off Prescriptions
Off Prescriptions
Compare the price of medications at local pharmacies to find the best savings. Filter results to show generic or brand, and adjust dosage and quantity to match your prescription. Accepted at thousands of pharmacies nationwide.

Earn Rewards
While you Save
While you Save
Earn while you save with our Rewards Program. Earn Points with every transaction using Main Street Rx. Reward Points can be redeemed for gift cards at a wide variety of brands and stores.

Manage Your Prescriptions
Securely manage prescriptions, review prescription history, check past prices, and set SMS or email reminders for refills in your Main Street Rx account.

Learn About Your
Drugs and Conditions
Drugs and Conditions
Explore our comprehensive information on drugs, side effects and medical conditions, and read about popular health topics in our blog.

Spanish Language...
¡Disponible en Español!
¡Disponible en Español!
Both the website and app are highly accessible for Spanish-speakers, including drug search and vouchers, and can be easily toggled between languages.